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IDG Neon

user behavior data analytics platform

About the project

IDG Neon
Neon is a platform that empowers tech marketers with the ability to collect and analyze purchase intent data across multiple channels in order to identify target audiences, develop and measure campaigns, drive leads, and ultimately gain a competitive advantage over competitors.
IDG Neon Challenge


For years, Foundry (formerly IDG Communications) has been a premier market intelligence and demand generation company centered around supporting the technology industry through research, data, marketing technology, and insights.

In an effort to continue helping businesses scale by enabling them to drive leads and close deals in a more intelligent way, Foundry sought to develop the first intent data solution capable of integrating first party data sets with human verification. The concept for this platform was centered around providing real-time and actionable insights into how companies and users accessed their client’s properties. This in turn would allow technology marketers to convert this behavior into sales and other opportunities.

Initially, Foundry had a small internal development team tasked with building the platform, however, they lacked the bandwidth and resources to fully optimize the development of this complex solution.

This is where JetRockets came into the picture.

Peter Surrena – Product Architect, IDG

“JetRockets became an extension of our internal team, working to develop a platform that could reveal our users’ behavior. As they continued to perform well and our trust in them grew, we decided to give them more backend responsibilities that were originally in-house. They ended up taking on much more complicated tasks than what they’d started out doing. They brought a level of expertise to our more serious projects that made them the right fit.”

IDG Neon Solution


To bring Foundry’s idea to life, we developed Neon, a B2B platform capable of displaying all the necessary data for analyzing the information technology market and reaching a company to clinch a deal. Through various integrations, we developed the application to deliver data across the following fields:

  • Job Title and Position in the Company
  • Company Name
  • Company Location and Departments
  • Number of Employees
  • Contact Information
  • Information on user interests:
    • Content Read
    • Downloads & Registrations Made
    • Events Attended

From here, we continued to collaborate with the Foundry team to further advance the platform. A subsequent build elevated the Neon platform further with features, including:

Algorithms for Processing Data Analytics

IDG Neon Data Analytics

This feature enables users to see the trends and topics companies are interested in over a series of time through charts and graphs.

Personal Account

IDG Neon Personal Account

We developed this feature to automatically connect new users with an IDG consultant to assist them in the onboarding process.

Team Member System

IDG Neon Team Member System

This is where Account Administrators can assign specific lists and results to their colleagues based on their company.

Smart Filter/Language

IDG Neon Smart Filter Language
  • To enable users to discover as much information as they need, we developed a smart filter that leverages 20 weighted parameters.
  • To enable users accessibility from all over the world, we integrated Neon with DeepL to provide translations in different languages.

CRM Integrations Used/Integrations for Registration & Privacy

  • SalesForce
  • HubSpot
  • We initially integrated Neon with Okta software to allow users to register an account and keep their personal data safe. We later integrated with OAuth to provide the same functionality.

Custom Email Templates

IDG Neon Custom Email Templates

This feature enables users to customize all of their email communications to their liking.

Billing & Subscription System

IDG Neon Billing & Subscription System
  • We also integrated Neon with Stripe to manage all billing information and subscriptions.
  • This feature also allows users to purchase an extra seat inside their account as needed.

Okta integration and later OAuth

IDG Neon Okta integration and later OAuth

Integrated with software that allows one to register an account and keep personal data safe.

Peter Surrena – Product Architect, IDG

“They JetRockets were always thinking about the best way to solve the problem. Developing code is a lot like writing because you can write a sentence in a lot of different ways but still get the same message. That’s why it meant so much to us to see JetRockets get into lively discussions with our internal team about code. It was really their way of showing us that they were trying to see if there was a better approach. It might sound like having a team that ‘thinks’ is a simple task, but it’s pretty rare.”

IDG Neon Results


Today, Foundry’s Neon gives tech marketers the insights they need to develop and scale more effective marketing and sales campaigns. The platform is made available to Foundry customers globally.

Peter Surrena – Product Architect, IDG

“JetRocket’s problem-solving and code were so thought-out and sophisticated. They never built something with vendor lock-in, taking a standards-based approach to coding instead. We could pretty much bring on an internal engineer at any time, and they would understand how the code worked and expand on it. That’s as good as it gets. The more freedom you give them JetRockets to problem-solve, the better your product will be.”



Team: 8 people

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