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Funding Strategies for Non-Technical Founders: Bootstrapping, Investors, and More

Non-technical founders often face unique challenges on their entrepreneurial journeys. While passion and a groundbreaking idea fuel their journey, the question of funding looms large. 

In this blog, we outline the diverse pathways to funding available to you as a non-technical entrepreneur. From the grassroots approach of bootstrapping to the intricate world of attracting investors, this blog will be your guide through the labyrinth of funding possibilities.
Before we do so, we think it’s important to acknowledge the steep climb non-technical founders face when trying to secure funding. The challenge lies not in the lack of vision or passion, but in capturing the attention and confidence of potential backers who may favor those with a technical background. While this often gives technical founders a built-in advantage, non-technical founders contribute in ways that are equally crucial for the success of a startup. This is including, but certainly not limited to, their visionary thinking, adaptability and learning agility, diverse skill sets, and resilience. 

Now, join us on this insightful journey as we explore your most popular funding avenues, giving you the knowledge and confidence to navigate this complex landscape. 


Bootstrapping is an approach where founders fund and grow their startup using personal resources and revenue generated by the business itself, without seeking external investment. Instead of relying on venture capital or loans, bootstrapped entrepreneurs leverage their own savings, revenue, and sweat equity to build and scale their businesses.

There are several advantages to bootstrapping, including: 
  • Autonomy and Control: Bootstrapping allows founders to maintain full control over their vision and decision-making. Without external investors, founders have the freedom to shape the direction of the business according to their own values and priorities.
  • Lean Operations: Bootstrapped startups often adopt a lean approach to operations, focusing on efficiency and minimizing unnecessary expenses. This can lead to a more sustainable and resilient business model.
  • No Equity Dilution: Bootstrapping avoids the dilution of equity that comes with external funding. Founders retain full ownership of their company, which can be especially appealing in the long term as the business grows in value.
  • Prove Viability: Successfully bootstrapping a startup demonstrates its viability and potential profitability. This can make the business more attractive to investors if and when the founders decide to seek external funding later on.
But there are drawbacks to bootstrapping, too. Naturally, relying on limited personal funds may constrain the scale and pace of growth. This limitation could impact marketing efforts, product development, or hiring. It can also impact the ability to capture market share, since the growth trajectory of a bootstrapped startup may be slower compared to ventures with external funding. 

You must also consider the risk of burnout. Founders, especially non-technical founders, often wear multiple hats in a bootstrapped venture, leading to high levels of personal involvement and potential burnout. The workload and stress associated with running a business without external support can be substantial.

There are many examples of successful businesses that started off by bootstrapping. Basecamp, the project management and team collaboration tool, started as a web design and development company without external funding. The founders used the profits from client work to fund the development of Basecamp, which eventually became their primary focus. 

The popular email marketing platform Mailchimp was also bootstrapped for a long time. The founders, Ben Chestnut and Dan Kurzius, built the company by reinvesting profits and focusing on organic growth. Their 2021 $12 billion acquisition by Intuit is the biggest bootstrapped exit ever!

Angel Investors

Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital for a business startup, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. These investors, often entrepreneurs or retired business executives, offer financial support to early-stage ventures, bringing not only funding but also mentorship, industry expertise, and valuable connections.

Advantages include: 
  • Early-Stage Funding: Angel investors typically engage with startups in their early stages when traditional funding sources like banks or venture capital firms might be hesitant to invest. This early injection of capital can be crucial for product development, market entry, and initial operations.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Beyond financial support, angel investors often provide invaluable mentorship and guidance. Their experience and industry knowledge can help non-technical founders navigate challenges, make informed decisions, and avoid common pitfalls.
  • Network Access: Angel investors often bring a robust network of contacts, including other investors, industry professionals, and potential customers. Startups can leverage these networks for strategic partnerships, business development, and market expansion.
  • Flexible Terms: Angel investments are typically more flexible than traditional financing options. Terms can be negotiated based on the unique needs and circumstances of the startup, allowing for creative and customized agreements.
  • Credibility Boost: Securing funding from reputable angel investors can lend credibility to a startup. It signals to other investors, partners, and customers that the business has undergone due diligence and has the support of experienced professionals.
Disadvantages include: 
  • Equity Dilution: Accepting angel investment means giving up a portion of ownership in the company. Founders should carefully consider the trade-off between funding and equity, as it impacts their control over the business.
  • High Expectations: Angel investors often have high expectations for returns on their investment. This can create pressure on founders to meet aggressive growth targets, which may not align with the long-term vision or strategy of the startup.
  • Risk of Interference: While mentorship is a valuable aspect of angel investment, there is a risk of overbearing involvement by the investor in day-to-day operations. Striking a balance between receiving guidance and maintaining autonomy is crucial.
  • Limited Investment Size: Angel investors typically invest smaller amounts compared to venture capital firms. While this can be beneficial for early-stage funding, it may not be sufficient for startups with extensive capital requirements.
Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, has been an angel investor in numerous successful startups, including Facebook in its early days. His investments and mentorship have played a significant role in the success of several tech ventures. Ron Conway, often referred to as the "Godfather of Silicon Valley," is another prominent angel investor who has backed companies like Google, Facebook, and Airbnb.

Venture Capital Funding

Venture capital (VC) funding involves financial investment from venture capital firms into high-potential startups and small businesses. These firms manage pooled funds from various investors and deploy them strategically to support businesses with substantial growth potential. In return for their investment, venture capitalists typically receive equity in the company and play an active role in its strategic direction.

Unique advantages to VC funding include: 
  • Significant Capital Injection: Venture capital firms can provide substantial amounts of capital, enabling startups to scale rapidly, develop innovative products, and enter new markets.
  • Expertise and Guidance: Beyond funding, venture capitalists often bring extensive industry knowledge and experience to the table. Their guidance can be instrumental in shaping business strategies, navigating challenges, and optimizing operations.
  • Brand Validation: Securing funding from a reputable venture capital firm can serve as a powerful validation of a startup's potential. This validation can boost the company's credibility in the eyes of customers, partners, and other investors.
  • Global Expansion: Venture capital funding can facilitate international expansion by providing the resources needed to enter new markets, establish a global presence, and compete on a larger scale.
However, venture capitalists typically acquire a significant ownership stake in the funded company in exchange for their investment. This can result in you relinquishing control and a substantial share of your profits. VCs also typically invest with the expectation of an eventual exit, either through an initial public offering (IPO) or acquisition. The pressure to deliver a lucrative exit within a specified timeframe may not align with your vision for your company. 


Crowdfunding is a financing method where a large number of individuals contribute relatively small amounts of money to support a project, product, or business. This model is facilitated through online platforms that connect creators with a global audience willing to fund their ideas. There are several types of crowdfunding, including reward-based crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding, and donation-based crowdfunding.

You may choose to crowdfund if you seek: 
  • Diverse Funding Sources: Crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to access funding from a diverse group of individuals, often reaching a global audience. This can be particularly beneficial for projects that resonate with a broad range of people.
  • Market Validation: Successful crowdfunding campaigns can serve as a form of market validation. If a project attracts widespread support, it indicates a demand for the product or idea, providing confidence to both creators and potential investors.
  • Engagement and Marketing: Crowdfunding campaigns create a platform for creators to engage with their audience directly. The marketing and publicity generated during a campaign can contribute to building a loyal customer base and generating buzz around the product or project.
  • No Equity Dilution: In reward-based crowdfunding, backers receive non-financial rewards, such as the product itself or exclusive experiences, rather than equity. This allows creators to raise funds without giving away ownership stakes in their ventures.
However, crowdfunding success is not guaranteed, and many campaigns fail to reach their funding goals. Factors such as the quality of the pitch, marketing strategy, and the perceived value of the project all play critical roles. Crowdfunding platforms also typically charge fees, which can include a percentage of the funds raised and payment processing fees. Creators need to account for these costs when planning their campaigns. 

Moreover, running a crowdfunding campaign can be time-consuming and requires significant effort in terms of marketing, communication, and campaign management. Creators must be prepared to dedicate time and resources to the process. In the excitement of a campaign, there may also be a temptation to overpromise on product features or delivery timelines. Failing to meet these promises can lead to dissatisfaction among backers and harm your reputation. 

The Pebble Time smartwatch, a pioneer in the wearable tech space, gained early support through a Kickstarter campaign. The campaign raised over $20 million, making it one of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns at the time.

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic partnerships involve the collaboration between two or more businesses to achieve mutual benefits and enhance their competitive positions in the market. These partnerships are formed to leverage each other's strengths, resources, and capabilities, creating a synergistic relationship that goes beyond what each entity could achieve individually. Strategic partnerships can take various forms, including joint ventures, alliances, distribution agreements, and co-marketing efforts.
Key advantages of strategic partnerships include: 
  • Expanded Resources: By forming strategic partnerships, businesses can access a wider pool of resources, including expertise, technology, and financial support, without the need for significant upfront investments.
  • Complementary Skills: Partnerships often bring together organizations with complementary skills and capabilities. This synergy allows each partner to focus on what they do best, leading to more efficient and effective operations.
  • Market Access: Strategic partnerships can provide access to new markets and customer segments. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to expand geographically or reach demographics that may be challenging to target independently.
  • Risk Mitigation: Sharing risks is a key advantage of strategic partnerships. In cases where a project or initiative involves uncertainties, having a partner can help distribute and mitigate potential risks.
  • Innovation: Collaborating with partners can foster innovation by combining diverse perspectives and approaches. This can lead to the development of new products, services, or business models that may not have been achievable independently.
JR Ventures, a JetRockets initiative, is an example of a unique and mutually beneficial strategic partnership built specifically for non-technical founders. The goal of JR Ventures is to eliminate the technical and cost-related barriers that often prohibit non-technical entrepreneurs from launching their startups. The program sees JetRockets work with these founders to turn their ideas into market-ready Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) in exchange for a minor stake in their company.

Non-technical founders interested in partnering with JetRockets are strongly encouraged to apply here!

Government Grants & Programs

Government grants and programs are financial initiatives provided by governmental bodies to support various sectors, including business, research, education, and community development. These initiatives are designed to stimulate economic growth, encourage innovation, address societal challenges, and promote specific industries or regions. Government grants can take the form of direct financial assistance, tax incentives, or other non-monetary support.

Advantages of this route include: 
  • Financial Support: Government grants offer direct financial support, providing businesses and organizations with the capital needed to fund projects, research, and development initiatives, or other strategic objectives.
  • Stimulating Innovation: Many government grants focus on fostering innovation in specific industries. By providing funding for research and development, governments aim to encourage technological advancements and enhance global competitiveness.
  • Job Creation: Government programs often prioritize job creation and economic development. By supporting businesses and initiatives, governments contribute to employment opportunities and overall economic stability.
  • Industry-Specific Support: Governments may tailor grants to support specific industries crucial to national development. This targeted support helps these industries overcome challenges, adapt to market changes, and remain competitive on a global scale.
Applying for a government grant can be a highly competitive process, however. Recipients are also typically subject to stringent reporting and compliance requirements. This can involve detailed documentation of project progress, financial records, and adherence to specific guidelines, which may increase administrative burdens. Moreover, businesses on government grants may be impacted by changes in administration or shifts in political priorities. 

In the U.S., the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program is an example of an example of a competitive initiative that encourages small businesses to engage in federal research and development. It provides funding for innovative projects, supporting technological advancements and commercialization.

Choosing the Right Funding Route

For non-technical founders, the decision on the most suitable funding strategy is a pivotal one, shaped by the nature of their ventures, long-term aspirations, and the intricacies of their skill sets. Ultimately, it’s also a deeply personal one, guided by your vision, values, and objectives as a founder. 

Regardless of the chosen path, the journey is a testament to every non-technical founder’s determination, adaptability, and capacity to transform challenges into opportunities. As your funding story unfolds, JetRockets will be proud to stand by your side as a dependable software development partner

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you fuel your journey as a non-technical founder! 

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